Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Religion of PEACE Demonstration

Look at this site. This was in London this past February. For some reason the media seemed to miss that day...


Anonymous said...

You know, I have been researching this a little bit because I was wondering if the pictures were maybe a hoax. What I have found is that this was a real demonstration and the signs they are carrying are real. It was a protest outside the Danish embassy last February over that whole cartoon controversy. It was not called a Religion of Peace Demonstration. Still, it's quite disturbing.

Firelance said...

Nicole, this is utterly disturbing. I'm scared to comment on these pictures because this is the "world-wide web" and I'm especially upset that I am scared to comment. I just ordered a koran with commentary from a respected muslim scholar. I have browsed the koran before but never before noticed the frequency of 3rd person language when God is speaking. Interesting, when many non-practicing muslims usually argue against Jesus by saying, "there is only one God."

Pilgrim said...

Les, it does look like this demonstration, or one very very similar did happen in London. The BBC news page reports: