Thursday, February 07, 2008

Scenes of Wintertide

Wintertide?? We are soooo past the tide part.

And my favorite scene which is all-too familiar for me right now:


Leslie said...

Wow wow wow wow wow. I remember that place. That winter wonderland. I am a child again. So stunning. I really love the first picture and I would like to hang it on my wall.

Pilgrim said...

Feel free to hang it on your wall as a nostalgic piece of work... it's a little too close for comfort for me to do that ; ^ )

Pilgrim On said...

Outstanding photos, Nicky!

As they always say, 'Snow news is good news.'

Pilgrim said...

My dear Pilgrim On, obviously you do not live where there is "snow news"....and snow soreness...and snow shoveling...

Recognize where those photos were taken??