Tuesday, August 09, 2005


I have been trying to get to the abandoned infant home and have had one thing after another stop me. And everywhere else I’ve visited was not where I was supposed to be. After I finished my confession to God yesterday morning, an opportunity to visit it opened up (it’s about an hour from where I am now) and I went. It’s the first place where I’ve had to hand in an application and wait for them to accept or decline me, but I handed that application in with peace, peace that if I was accepted I would go, peace that if I was not He had other plans. The funny thing was that (communication must be very specific here) I forgot to ask when I would find out an answer (which is dangerous around here because everything takes sooo long). I got home and not six hours later I had been accepted by the ministry board, the volunteer coordinator, and the home. That’s it, I leave Monday to train at their facility how to be a mother to thirty abandoned infants. We’ll see what God has after that.

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