Sunday, December 24, 2006

Interesting thought...

I lifted this from my little brother (well, little in relation to years - he looms over me in height...).

"...history is an endless tide and so it is undamnable"

Never thought about it that way. Leave it to a 13-year-old.


Serena said...

Why would you damn history? Would be a finite tide make it damnable? Why would duration have anything to do with whether or not it is a candidate for eternal punishment. What would it be punished for, it is hardly it's own master...? Not only have I never thought of history like that before, but I am completely at a loss as to how to begin to think about it in this line of reasoning. Master de Martimprey, I take my hat off to you. I have no idea what you mean and am inclined to believe you are either a prophet or a philosopher.

Pilgrim said...

I'll pass on your comment. Glad you enjoyed!