Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Anglican Way Institute

Forming our faith, life, and view of the world according to the Anglican Way of following Christ

I would like to extend an invitation to all visitors and friends of this blog to attend the annual "Anglican Way" Conference. It is held in Dallas, TX, July 2nd-6th and is a wonderful time of fellowship amongst people of our generation who are eagerly seeking after the truth, and willing to think and pray through the theological and practical issues which assail serious Christians in our culture today.

This year's topic is "Finding Grace Through the Sacraments". If you or anyone you know might be interested, please pass on the invite and direct them to this link for more information:


Chris Linebarger said...

I will join you for at least one or two days. Looking forward to seeing you.

Anonymous said...

I am SO excited and encouraged to hear that! We have lots to talk about.

Serena said...


Pilgrim said...

I'm excited about that! It will be a good time and I am looking forward to learning more about the faith we hold dear.